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Bed Of Nails
Mar Omega has mastered the art of pain tolerance to the point where through meditation, he can lay on a bed of 500 9-inch-nails!
Not only does he lay on the nails, his assistant selects an audience member to stand on Mar's chest. And if that is not enough, a HEAVY cinder block is placed on his chest and SMASHED to bits with an 18 lb sledge hammer!
Perforating paper
Getting situated
Laying down
Perforating paperGetting situatedLaying downRelaxing
Girl standing on chest
The Bridge of Mar
Cinder block and cake
Sledge Hammer didn't break it the first time
Girl standing
on chest
The "Bridge of Mar"Cinder block
and cake
Sledge Hammer
didn't break it
the first time
Brick broke this time
Covered in cinder dust
Help me up
The Remains of the Day
Brick broke
this time
Covered in
cinder dust
Help me upThe "Remains
of the Day"
Photos courtesy of Tony Dragonfire.